When flexibility is architecture's priority, the building becomes more transparent. We call this Contemporary Gothic

Doctoral Thesis, 2023

Flexible Architecture | sorinadumitru.com | sorinadumitru.com
Flexible Architecture | sorinadumitru.com

Flexibility is dynamic

Flexible architecture has been a field of architecture research ever since the beginning of the 20 century. Viewed from a spatial optimisation perspective, the functional, modern architecture of Le Corbusier, Mies van De Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright manifests flexibility. Conventional floor plans are ineffective in determining the flexibility of architectural spaces. Flexibility is observed in a period of time and is user centric. As such, dynamic means of representation, spatial triangulations and complex models become the usual tools for a public space architect. See more on education here.

Flexible architecture can change inner configuration easily while the outer shell remains unchanged.